Saturday, May 25, 2024

You Are Very Cool

It is kind of fun, sometimes a little stressful, when you first find out the parameters at Craft Roulette on Friday nights. But after you hear Mary Gunn talk through how you could interpret them, your card idea starts to become clear. Charm was the one that threw me at first. So I slept on it, and dug into my stash and found a pack of "soft charms" that are rubbery and so cute!

Craft Roulette #216 Parameters 

Project: A2

Colors: Baseball Park

Element: Number(s)

Random: Charm(s)

My take on these is the A2 card (obviously), red and white "boat" to hold your hot dog/pink cotton candy/blue snow cones, clock numbers and my soft charm for a sentiment. I also used silver cardstock for the metal stadium bleachers. The dotted embossed background mimics baseballs at the ball park.

This was the first time I used my alarm clock dies and it is really fun. They give a retro feel, don't they? I also thought the soft charm does too.

Products I used:

The Greetery: Hearts at Home: Clock die

Taylored Expressions: Happy Summer Banner dies

Stampin Up!: Decorative Dots embossing folder 

Elsie: Soft Charms "Roxie" (Super old product from scrapbooking days, but I see card inspiration in them for future cards! It does pay to hoard things in your stash!)

First I die cut and asssembled the clock to match the soft charm colors. Funny to have the charm drive the colors of the whole card, right? 

Next, I cut out the "You Are" from "Happy Summer" banner dies, fussy cutting only the letters I needed from the banners. I had to freehand an O, then added the red star for the center of it since it was going to be too hard to cut out the center (and it matches the red star in between the "Very" and "Cool").

I ran a piece of white cardstock through the Big Shot with the embossing folder.

I cut two strips of turquoise cardstock for the edges of my card front.

All that was left was to arrange and adhere everything to complete my card!

If you like a challenge, you should watch the Craft Roulette episodes on Friday evenings at 7:30 EDT. Last night Gina K and her daughter Rina were the guests who had to make their cards in real time along with Mary. 

I hope you are having a restful long Memorial Day weekend. Bye for now!



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