Monday, July 12, 2021

Altered Books, Part 2

Here is the first altered book I made with my stamp club years ago.  You have to read my last post to get the back story, but this one was made month by month by a different friend each time in our club, and I was delightfully surprised each time I got it back! My favorite has to be the one with the pictures of my family in it. My friend Sharron, a colleague, asked me for a picture of each of us and this is what she used them for when it was her turn. Can you see the shaker embedded in a page? I didn't show the whole book, just the highlights. The 4th picture has a lot of black threads...they are attached to tags that fit into a pocket on the bottom corner of the page. So cool! Needless to say, there was a LOT of talent in that group and I always felt like the weakest link. We had a lot of fun and inspired each other with our things we brought to share (could have been something we made or received from another friend somewhere) and what we made each month at the gathering. Here is my game-themed book!

Hope you enjoyed this crazy book of games...I look at it and think of all the work and thought that everyone put into each others' books for a good part of a year! 

Hope to see you back here soon,


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