Thursday, May 23, 2024

Seagull Selfie

My CAS card here comes from the seagull's point of view, including a selfie. All it sees from the sky is beach umbrellas, waves, and those fries. I'm having lots of fun with my Beach Days Stencil and die set, like I warned you I would. This week the Just Us Girls Challenge #728 is Anything Goes with a Stencil, so how could I resist? This is our guest Jenny Martin's last week with us and we sure have enjoyed her pretty cards! Thanks so much Jenny!

I did also use a freebie fries in a fry box die that Waffle Flower sent with my order for these products, an I also used a postage die from their original postal die set.  I popped up three of the stamps on foam tape for dimension.

There are so many ways to change up these products! Every day now I see someone else's clever new use of them!

We hope you will join us using your stencils this week. The team has all sorts of ideas for you to read about on their blogs. Check them out!

See you soon,




My Paper Epiphany said...

I love this fun stencil set and you have made me want it even more! Gorgeous and fun card!

Carol said...

Thank you Jen!

ElizStewart said...

Carol... you are always one step ahead! I have had my eye on this fun postage set. Now I definitely want it... love your fun!

Lisa Elton said...

I love your soft color choices, Carol! Fantastic stenciled card!

Sue VanDeVusse said...

This is such a fun card! I love the postage stamps, especially the one with the seagull. Great stenciling!

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

I have yet to open up this set and your creations are really inspiring me!!! I love this one with the individual "stamps" and the way you placed them! ...and that fry die - Gotta love it! Fabulous make, Carol.

Stephanie Lanzalotto said...

Hi Carol. I know I commented on your card before, but somehow my comments are going missing. I hope this one gets to you. I love the way you used the stencils and collage dies and the little bit of overlapping in your placement is very effective. I still haven't broken mine out. You've been inspiring me!

Bobby said...

This is so cute, Carol. I can't get over that seagulls face. He looks innocent enough. ;)

Vicki Dutcher said...

So fun! That seagull makes me smile. Very cute Card.

Vicki Dutcher said...

So fun! That seagull makes me smile. Very cute Card.

cm said...

Carol, your 'from a seagull's perspective', along with a selfie, is ever so clever! Your creativity with the postage collage stencils, stamps and dies is inspiring; I need to play with my sets more - and arrange them in different ways, as you do. Thank you for sparking ideas, my friend!

Carol said...

Thanks Vicki!

Carol said...

Thanks so much Carol. I love your floral stencils and how you used pastels with them. Every time I see someone make a new version of any of the stencil sets I think, "Why didn't I think of that".